Yaicha and Darren told me that I wasthe mailman’s child,and I got so angry,stalking away,hot steam in my ribs.Yaicha and Darrentold me that I was the mailman’s childand now I am thinkinghow wonderful it would beto havethe mailman asmy father

Yaicha and Darren told me that I wasthe mailman's child,and I got so angry,stalking away,hot steam in my ribs.Yaicha and Darrentold me that I was the mailman's childand now I am thinkinghow wonderful it would beto havethe mailman asmy father

Yaicha and Darren told me that I wasthe mailman’s child,and I got so angry,stalking away,hot steam in my ribs.Yaicha and Darrentold me that I was the mailman’s childand now I am thinkinghow wonderful it would beto havethe mailman asmy father (Thalia Chaltas, Because I Am Furniture)

Historically, the ‘deadline’ was the line around a prison beyond which prisoners were eligible for shooting. In keeping with shifts in the exercise of control, what one was delineated spatially over life is now enforced temporarily over labor

Historically, the 'deadline' was the line around a prison beyond which prisoners were eligible for shooting. In keeping with shifts in the exercise of control, what one was delineated spatially over life is now enforced temporarily over labor

Historically, the ‘deadline’ was the line around a prison beyond which prisoners were eligible for shooting. In keeping with shifts in the exercise of control, what one was delineated spatially over life is now enforced temporarily over labor (CrimethInc., Contradictionary)