I’m a Buddhist. You might have a Christian obligation to catch pneumonia while you sit for two and a half hours listening to some twerp in a dress drone on about the virtue of wedded life but, dear as you are to me, I don’t

I'm a Buddhist. You might have a Christian obligation to catch pneumonia while you sit for two and a half hours listening to some twerp in a dress drone on about the virtue of wedded life but, dear as you are to me, I don't

I’m a Buddhist. You might have a Christian obligation to catch pneumonia while you sit for two and a half hours listening to some twerp in a dress drone on about the virtue of wedded life but, dear as you are to me, I don’t (Natasha Pulley, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street)

Charging [creation of new karma] is under ‘your’ control and discharge [disposal of karma] is in nature’s control. Therefore, if you want to charge, charge positively. Whatever you have charged, nature will not refrain from discharging

Charging [creation of new karma] is under ‘your’ control and discharge [disposal of karma] is in nature’s control. Therefore, if you want to charge, charge positively. Whatever you have charged, nature will not refrain from discharging

Charging [creation of new karma] is under ‘your’ control and discharge [disposal of karma] is in nature’s control. Therefore, if you want to charge, charge positively. Whatever you have charged, nature will not refrain from discharging. (Dada Bhagwan)